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Shigaraki? I plan to make Stain's will a reality. On top of this, he noticed that High-End was much different compared to previous Nomus. ... My BNHA/boku no hero academia Oc is named hibiki sora, he is a lovely character, he has a big family but worried for his older brother, he loves someone who is a Villain, sweet but has a temper, Kei’s just happy to have clothes and’s still too shy to ask for anything specific so - Enji starts to read guidebooks about therapheutic parenting by Geten, is a major supporting antagonist in the series, a villain affiliated with the League of Villains, and was a member of the organization's Vanguard Action Squad.
He has several silver cartilage piercings in both ears, and a triple nostril piercing on the right side of his nose. Dabi is a tall, slender man with spiky black hair. - Enji isn’t the no. When her brother Touya planned to leave. He only knew his I’m such a whore for hurt comfort stories like the more it hurts, the more me likelyit’s not easy being the older brother(?) Hawks is mad to find out that the Nomu, High-End, attacked today at the city and not tomorrow at a nearby factory. Rumi just obliterated both of them. He is affiliated with the League of Villains and the leader of the organization's Vanguard Action Squad. Dabi is later seen at a dock nearby and begins to remember who Endeavor was talking about. He comes across a group of low life thugs that act hostile towards him, only for him to kill them, thinking of them as nothing but trash. While Stain was trying to bring back the meaning of being a hero, Dabi is simply interested in destroying the current society of humanity as a whole.
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And one moment, Keigo just stops and looks at them laughing about a really bad joke he just made and he thinks: “Woa, I’ve a family now!” And he’s so happy, he starts crying. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.The League? He views himself as the one who is destined to fulfill Stain's view of the world, hence his reasoning for joining the League of Villains. Toya playing with his siblings.
- Toya punches him (softly, with love) in the face and tells him that he’s part of the family, even if he’d burn down down their house.
A roundup of all my current YuueiTeacher!Endeavor art… I didn’t realize I’ve drawn so much for this. A single person with a single conviction has the power to change the world.
- Rei and Enji made sure Keigo’d eat and sleep enough, helped him preening his wings and constantly reasurred him that his accidental lil chirps are nothing to be ashamed of. Together with the Vanguard Action Squad, Dabi observes the campsite of U.A. Unlike Stain, Dabi shows sadistic tendency as he takes pleasure in taunting Pro Heroes and those that seek to be heroes, while attempting to murder them at the same time. While he had no problem killing the Pro Hero Dabi fighting on even terms one of the Meta Liberation Army's strongest commanders.Dabi was able to easily repel the Bakugo Escort Squad and eventually restrained Dabi is also known for psychologically engaging enemies, questioning their motives and morality during combat.
- Keigo feels like a stone falling from his chest, but the fear just doesn’t go away. I made it out of boredom and love for my hot flamey boi First of all, what would you be in the BNHA universe?
He later participated in battling Dabi and the rest of the villains were then transported to the doctor's hideout and noticed the amount of Nomus contained and how different they looked. So the other siblings want the same and they fall asleep in a puppy-family-pile. YuueiTeacher!Endeavor family life. (based on the theory that Dabi is Touya) Y/n Todoroki was the twin sister of Shoto, she hated her father. - Natsuo sees in a TV documentary that male baby-chickens get often killed instandly after they hatch… And so he freaks out, cries and hugs Keigo, like wanting to protect him. - Toya and Keigo constantly fight about who’s the strongest. Once Bakugo is freed, he immediately attacks Tomura, refusing to accept their delusional ideology. Tomura asks for him to introduce himself, in which he does, but refuses to give out his real name. - Natsuo always cares for their injuries and then Rei gives the two household chores as punishemt…. This is an entirely tactical maneuver for buying time since it complements Dabi's weakness of his flames hurting his own body over time. Offensively, Dabi can shoot fireballs, generate flamethrower-like attacks, and release bursts of fire. They always cook together and everything is chaotic but in the good way. Fulfil the Hero Killer's ideology of a new society.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [Keigo x Reader][Dabi x Reader][Various x Reader] | BNHA 1 • Claimed.
You want to become a hero.
Cremation is the unnamed Quirk possessed by Dabi. Dabi (in Japanese: 荼毘, Dabi, translated as Cremation), also known as Blueflame (in Japanese:蒼炎 Sōen), is a major antagonist in the manga/anime series My Hero Academia.
Because he never knew Touya. (based on the theory that Dabi is Touya) Y/n Todoroki was the twin sister of Shoto, she hated her father.
However, even though he does not display any psychotic intentions, it appears that he is still just as deluded as Toga as he seems to be unaware of what Stain was actually trying to accomplish. He and the rest of his team serve as the primary antagonists of the Forest Training Camp Arc. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Civilian.