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An unborn child in the womb. Not everyone is born into a healthy environment w/ a loving family. Conservatives call for the devolution of powers to the states, and believe locally-tailored solutions are more appropriate to local circumstances. Lead study author Carola Salvi said the results were consistent with what scientists already knew about the brains of people with different political leanings.The scientists measured this by having individual study participants watch a certain point on a computer screen and wait for a ball to show up in the frame. I have some stuff I'm conservative about. What conservative would write this “Conservatives are inclined towards the socialism and communism point of political governance”?Conservatives believe in limited government to prevent mismanagement, misjudgment and corruption of a centralized control structure. Political conservatives believe commercial regulation does more harm than good--unnecessarily usurping political freedoms, potentially stifling transformative innovations, and typically leading to further regulatory interference. !Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. They remain wary of the corruption- and historic abuses--particularly the oppression of political minorities--that have taken place in the absence of oversight for state- and local authorities. As a result we are literally watching that come to pass!!! Conservatives favour more of private sectors and minimum government interference. They believe that entrepreneurs who are successful have somehow cheated the system.A conservative has the belief that individual Americans have the Constitutional right to defend themselves and their loved ones with guns. Google Communistic and Socialistic ideologies both rely on government control (or they would say “planning”) of all parts of society.

There are many philosophies and definitions about the types of thinking of people and their views towards life and other things. Just because you were born w/ a silver spoon in your mouth w/ a perfect upbringing & married into the same race – does not make you a good person or least to say an AMERICAN. This didn't mean that the liberals were any smarter than the conservatives. Liberals favour more of People who have conservative values and believes, are those who are very traditional and do not like much change in the routines that are being followed since ages.
Because of their different methods and philosophies, there are many differences that need to be explored between conservative and liberal.Below are some of the most important differences between conservatives and liberals.A conservative believes that a judge should determine whether or not laws are permissible under the Constitution. They also believe that government regulation is bad for businesses, usually has unintended consequences, and should be minimal. Shutterstock Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

Just because we don’t agree on certain topics does not make you a better person. They want a judge to who will impose their will. But in our modern world, But when feeling stuck on a problem, liberals were much more likely to draw upon a sudden burst of insight — an 'aha' moment, like a lightbulb turning on in the brain. Shutterstock (“Conservatives oppose to change whereas liberals favor change”… oh please! Therefore, I see being a conservative, as not caring if they leave a man behind.Actually, liberals do try to control your life, their philosophy is they know better than you, so you have to do what they say. PDF Print Only Version. Liberals are flexible in their views and thoughts while conservatives are hardliners who have a strict stance on issues.