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Battle Deaths (Death figures are based on incomplete returns) – 74,524 By this time, Negley had realized the danger and had withdrawn to the south.Meanwhile, Nathan Bedford Forrest’s cavalry had located the whereabouts of General Crittenden’s corps. Several years of all-out war had sapped its manpower and available fuel and equipment to disastrously-low levels. Most of the men whose names appear in this index served with units from 15 different states or territories; others were soldiers raised directly by the Confederate government, generals and staff officers, and other enlisted men not associated with a regiment. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest rounded out the Confederate forces in the vicinity.Rosecrans’ army, meanwhile, consisted of the XIV Corps under Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, the XX Corps commanded by Maj. Gen. Alexander M. McCook, Maj. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden’s XXI Corps, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger’s Reserve Corps and Brig. LII, Part 2, pp. “I never saw such a depression.”A broadside titled “COMMON SENSE,” posted in Dallas County, Texas, claimed that Southern civilians had been deluded by their leaders, and called for a peace convention.

Written by Buckner, the document was signed by 11 general officers. If not for a stroke of timing, the fight might have continued at its bloody yet unspectacular pace. These lists also show the final regular unit they served in, if known. Rosecrans commanded Halleck’s right wing as the army plodded toward Corinth, Miss., and fought at both Iuka and Corinth before transferring to Kentucky to relieve Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell as commander of the former Army of the Ohio.In December, Rosecrans fought Bragg to a tactical draw at the Battle of Stones River (Murfreesboro), but the Federals claimed victory when Bragg withdrew across the Duck River to Tullahoma, Tenn., on January 3, 1863.For Rosecrans’ army, the rest of the first six months of the year would be marked by relative inaction and a series of mostly inconsequential cavalry raids before the general began engineering a plan to overrun Rebel positions in southeastern Tennessee.His adversary again would be Bragg, the 46-year-old general from North Carolina. Bragg led the Second Corps during the Confederate defeat at Shiloh in early April 1862. At the end of the war 174,223 men surrendered to the Union Army.Journal of the Senate at an Extra Session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia,, Convened under the Proclamation of the Governor, March 25, 1863, p. 6Official Records, Series I, Vol. C.S. Ridiculed by many subordinate commanders for not aggressively pursuing the fleeing Yankees—especially by Polk and Longstreet—Bragg found that as he moved his forces into position around Chattanooga, few soldiers or officers held any confidence in him.Bragg blamed D.H. Hill for not following orders, and Buckner emerged as one of Longstreet’s anti-Bragg allies. Army planners had aimed for a quick and decisive victory, but with the United States government refusing to surrender or even negotiate, the Army found itself facing a much longer and more difficult war. The strength of the Confederate Army was half of the Union Army.

The Confederate Army had African Americans and Chinese. New recruits were hastily enlisted and sent into action, as the Army called on the only reserves it had left untapped - the old men and the young boys. This, Davis calculated, would reignite the waning Southern morale both among troops in the field and on the home front.Early in September, Rosecrans sent his cavalry south to strike at Bragg’s rear. Longstreet was stayed at last,” recalled Lt. Col. Gates P. Thruston, a Federal staff officer.

The exact numbers are not known because of incomplete and destroyed records.

With United States troops advancing everywhere, the Army was forced to call on its last strength. Then the stunning Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg in July 1863, and by September Confederate morale was at its lowest ebb since the beginning of the war.