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Also here you can see the older tank called ' Groza' which I think is not better than this one.

Among them, fans can find British, German, American and Soviet armored vehicles. But maybe I will review the jeep and jet in the future here. Again a small strip saying the excact same thing it said at the front, the minifigs, accesories and amount of bricks.

A COBI 101st Airborne Trooper Mini-figure from the COBI C47 Skytrain Set COBI Mini Figs hanging out with Some Lego Mandalorians ... LEGO has just unveiled its 71042 Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Men Tell No Tales Silent Mary LEGO Store.

Making them like Lego or like Cobi minifigs. My friend Bob the constuction man helps me to open the boxAnd this is what's inside. No exhaust, cables, or attachment points.

The manufacture is Cobi, a Polish toy maker.

In 1992, Cobi established a production line of plastic construction blocks.

A good example would be the COBI Sopwith Camel F1 Set which is a highly detailed but playable Additional differences between LEGO and COBI are the included mini-figs. The set includes many of these kind of parts that are double sided.

Underside of the box showing some information about the bricks, where they're made and so on. On the lower side of the box you can see the amount of bricks, minifigs and accesories.

Luckily for us and for you, COBI Bricks are fully compatible with LEGO minifigs so it won’t really matter!Another thing regarding COBI minifigs. But otherwise it is detailed.Is this the same set as OxFord's ? We hope this was informative and as always, feel free to post a constructive comment below! is a homeschool business project designed to teach our children life skills ( Are COBI Blocks as good as LEGOs?

Sets typically start with an idea which then transforms into moulds, production and then sales. Also the box art showed different colors than the real thing.

No, its probably because the COBI tanks and airplanes are just so cool that they want to keep them together!To wrap up the similarities, COBI and LEGO both have licensed brands with LEGO obviously having Minecraft and Star Wars.

Heute ist Josie mal wieder zu Gast im Noppenstein-Studio, und sie hat das Eckgebäude der Ancient-Street-Serie von LOZ dabei! IMO this is a little plain compared to the previous one.

This makes constructing in a lot more easy and for me partly justifies the small instruction book. Also it has a nice machine gun on top, and somekind of light. (Marcus Tulius Cicero) We quickly learned that there were a wide variety of COBI sets such as COBI tanks, ships and aircraft. His friends come to help him. Upper side of the box showing some information, also a 1:1 picture of a minifig. The Canadian company Mega Bloks was sued on the grounds that its use of the "studs and tubes" interlocking brick system was a violation of trademarks held by Lego. This one was very small and only a few pages long. Why unforgiving? I didn't thought the tank would include so much bricks. The quality is good, but not as good as Lego. I know a lot of people don't like these kind of sets but I really think that we and Lego can learn some things from other companies. Really they look like Lego, only the Cobi name on the top of the studs make the difference. Well, as the sets feature layers upon layers of bricks, you can easily misplace one of them if you are not paying attention. In the same year, a mould factory was opened under the name “Colbert”.Today, Cobi is the biggest manufacture of construction blocks in Central and Eastern Europe, with sales offices in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and a sales network in over 60 countries worldwide.Cobi manufactures their building blocks entirely in house in Mielec, Poland. Let's start with the box, a somewhat over-computerized render of the set.

I bhought this set because in my childhood I always watched But a few months ago I discovered a Dutch shop selling most of the kits. I hope it will be a stand alone set, but ofcourse Lego will be my number 1.Here you can find bigger and better pics of this set: I wanted to thanks Puzzlingworld for offer me this set here in the Netherlands. Das ist ja wie Babyspielzeug!" Odd…..and not very Legoy (there is that word again).

And most of the building block manufactures make western-like tanks.Also the turret can turn, and it's not loose or anything but it stays nicely in place. Die Teile sind qualitativ nicht von Lego zu unterscheiden, dafür kosten sie aber nur einen Bruchteil. Almost something that Lego could come up with. I think some of us can't even tell the difference until they look really close to the studs and see Cobi instead of Lego.These are the minifig parts, like Lego they have a torso, legs, head and so on. But the odd thing is that it's build upside down.

It offers much variation in terms of verhicles and colorschemes. This set includes a jeep, tank, and a jet fighter. Okay this is my first non-Lego building block review.