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Spotify now allows you to add or change your name and profile picture on the back of the Android app. Rearrange the songs until you get a cover you like.If you instead want to make the playlist cover a custom picture of your choosing, unfortunately, you can't use the iPhone app. For reasons unknown, until then, the picture of Spotify playlists can only be changed through the Spotify app for computers with operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Linux. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation.If you don't like your collage — maybe it's the same four album covers over and over, or maybe they're just not particularly appealing images — there's a way to change that.

Here's how to do that. It allows users to control over the mode you desire to experience music to a great extent. Note that the playlist must have been created by you. I created an android app and website that helps you to change your Spotify playlist cover image on your mobile device. Currently, the only way to change your profile picture on Spotify mobile app is to link your Facebook account and then change your Facebook profile picture. You will have no confusion on solving how to change your profile picture on Spotify at present.This method to change Spotify profile image is not hard as you think. Joey Hadden/Business Insider Part 2: How to Change Profile Pic on Spotify App. In the desktop Spotify app, you can select a playlist, hover over the image currently visible on the playlist, click the pencil icon that appears, and select "CHOOSE IMAGE" or "REPLACE IMAGE" to add a custom image to the playlist. Thus, the new profile photo will be live on Spotify now. as well as other partner offers and accept our These steps to cope with how to change the playlist picture on Spotify are easy to handle.

You can now have a try to prove whether this solution can work perfectly.The profile picture on Spotify can also be changed according to your own preferences. If you are not clear of the detailed steps to achieve this aim, you can refer the step-by-step instructions listed below to help you to make it.1.Run Spotify software on computer and then click on the username of yours at the top right corner of the tool.2.Then you need to hover the cursor over the existing profile image and then hit the “Change” button.3.Navigate your computer images to select your desired one (must be .jpeg,?with a maximum file size of 4 MB) and then click on “Open” button. When the music comes to an end, hit the red button again.If you have the time to edit the tags of the recorded music, you can click on the recorded MP3 to call out the panel to alter or add tags manually.

After that, you can hit “OK” button to confirm the changes.Click on the tab of “General” and then you need to hit the folder icon to set one computer location to save the recorded Spotify music. The ideal resource for anyone who created a Facebook account and imported the image from the social network. In the end, you can hit “OK” button to save your settings.This software can add convenience to your life in the aspect to enjoy online audios for free. 2020-01-07T15:09:00Z

To customize your own playlist cover images is one no brainer. To add a custom playlist cover, you'll have to use the desktop version.