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Mirroring craftsmanship from worlds past, subtle fabric textures and classic neutrals replicate the details in hand thrown pottery.An effortless take on a contemporary color scheme, French Roast bestows warmth and high style to its passengers.Commanding attention with a strong palette, the Jet Black Interior Collection sports the tailored look of luxurious black leather, contrast stitching details, and refined patterns.A cool toned textile palette of platinum silks and specialty leathers is juxtaposed with the lustrous warmth of Honduran mahogany wood veneer.Inspired by organic, heathered, and earthy textures, the fabrics pair with a duo of rich leathers to ensure a timeless palette.Can't find what you are looking for? Le modèle est un succès commercial pour Cessna qui a vendu 700 appareils de la famille en 10 ans . In addition, there is a speed limit of 250 knots below 10,000 feet which will impact average speed for shorter flights greater than longer flights. COLLINS AEROSPACE and …

However, it can also take off in 3,560 feet and rise to cruising heights in just 15 minutes, performance statistics reminiscent of light private jets.

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The best-selling model of the best-selling brand, the CESSNA CITATION XLS+ aircraft combines transcontinental range and remarkable efficiency in a beautiful midsize jet. Aircraft is enrolled and fully paid on Textron PRO ADVANTAGE Program: • PowerAdvantage+ (PP+), AuxAdvantage (AA) and … The Cessna Citation Sovereign is a corporate intercontinental aircraft capable of carrying up to 12 passengers and two pilots at …

Be the first to know. Rest assured your whole team can fly in comfort and arrive closer to your destination, allowing you to spend less time traveling and more time at the job site or with your customer.This aircraft features a Fresh Air System to keep cabin air clean. Cessna Citation XLS+ Citation XLS + La cabine spacieuse du Citation XLS + est comparable à l’intérieur d’un jet de taille moyenne.

However, Citation XLS+ offers excellent handling capabilities, reliable systems, and smooth and consistent fast flight delivery.The new Cessna Citation XLS+ includes a fully integrated Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 avionics, PW545C electronically controlled engine (FADEC) from Pratt & Whitney Canada and substantial renovations and large interiors.

The engines compress and heat the air killing pathogens and germs. Sign up.

Please mention you saw this aircraft on AvBuyer.com +1 (281) 627-0767.

THE PROOF IS IN THE PLUS. 2009 | 950 hours | USA. © 2018 All rights reserved PriJet LLC. The mid-sized Citation XLS derived from the Citation Excel, but could go faster and further. In October 2008, Cessna revealed that it already had 225 orders for Citation XLS+, of which 70 were said to be sent to Europe. The air is then cooled and enters the cabin as cold or warm air before exiting aft.Combines performance and payload, never compromise on a mission Textron Aviation aircraft are engineered to be flexible and accommodating to meet a number of mission specific challenges. The cabin measures 18.5 feet long by 5.5 feet wide by 5.7 feet tall giving it a total cabin volume of 576.6 cubic feet making it comfortable for up to 8 passengers. This midsize Citation XLS + (from 2008 and ongoing) follows the Citation XLS (2004 to 2009) and Excel (1998 to 2004), and popularity is in its fleet size.

Le Cessna Citation XLS+ est une version améliorée et plus récente du Cessna Citation Excel, avion d’affaires à turboréacteur construit par Cessna Aircraft Compagny.

A member of the wide-ranging Citation brand of business jets, the Citation XLS was the first development of the Citation Excel and began production in 2003.

Common names and abbreviations: CE-560-XLS, Citation XLS+, Cessna Citation XLS+, CE-560-XLS+.Passenger and baggage amounts can greatly effect the performance of an aircraft since minimum runway lengths, range and speed are all effected by its weight.Cruise speeds vary greatly during the course of a flight, during climb, cruise and descent. View. Get Notified. For more information, please visit our Unsubscribe with one-click Browse Aircraft for Sale.

2011 | 925 hours | MN USA. Open all. Jusqu’à neuf passagers peuvent profiter du vol dans les confortables sièges en cuir élargi.

This comprehensive long-term weather detection system provides sharp situational awareness for both pilots and pilots.The price of the latest Cessna Citation XLS+ is around US $ 13 Million. Transitioning to a two-crew aircraft

Passenger and baggage amounts can greatly effect the performance of an aircraft since minimum runway lengths, range and speed are all effected by its weight.Typical passenger configuration is the typical number of passengers the jet is configured to accommodate 8 passengers, however each jet will have a custom configuration to accommodate an owners specific needs and will therefore vary. Details such as folding tables, sliding headrests and seats two to four inches wider than the previous model make it comfortable to fly. Cessna Citation XLS+.

Call Seller; Email Seller × Call Seller on 2014 Cessna Citation XLS+ S/N 560-6175 .

John D. Yates ... John D. Yates. The tilted control panel and four eight-by-ten inch sloping screens show flight information in simple and clear readings.Citation XLS+ is also equipped with the XM WX Satellite Weather Data Service feature that will provide instant, accurate and up-to-date weather information for flight paths. This aircraft has a quiet and concept free cabin, because of its three-layered entrance and three panel windows.

Le Cessna Citation Excel est un avion d'affaires à turboréacteur construit par Cessna Aircraft Company à Wichita, États-Unis. CESSNA & DESIGN, CESSNA, CITATION, XLS+, BEECHCRAFT, HAWKER, KING AIR and CARAVAN are trademarks or service marks of Textron Aviation Inc. or an affiliate and may be registered in the United States or other jurisdictions. L'Excel a connu une évolution en Citation XLS et en Citation XLS+.

John D. Yates, The Yates Group LLC.