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It’s the same type of journey we see Rick travel more slowly throughout the movie, and shows perhaps the film’s most important motif: the choice between personal desire or safety and the greater good. How many people must have faced similar choices in the war — to collaborate or die?

Many of the scenes in the movie are nearly as stirring as the scene from Casablanca.

I love this movie. This was absolutely the best and most compelling movie scene ever made.

March 14, 2020 I was prevented from boarding my plane from Jakarta, Indonesia to Singapore, to connect with my flight home to the US.

[22] Harmetz argues that they “brought to a dozen small roles in Casablanca an understanding and a desperation that could never have come from Central Casting”. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the

Best movie of all time.My grandmother stood up in the theatre & sang along!

I could not board that flight.

Of course it’s not possible to measure the “greatest scene ever” as we do the fastest Olympic sprinter ever.

Check its meaning: it’s clearly defensive, calling for resistance to (French, Napoleonic) invasion.

A new version of is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please

Take, for instance, the German officer to Strausser’s right (screen left), and the frustration and disgust on his face as he finally gives up the song.Now, only “La Marseillaise” is playing, as the voices rise to a swell. Gone with the Wind, 2.The GodFather-1 and, you guessed it Casablanca. For the past several years, Higgins and his band have toured extensively around the globe, and he continues to tour on a regular basis in the Pacific Rim and domestically. A fascinating counterpoint to have these two anthems in this one scene.Again, my admiration and thanks for your exposition.The actors played the movie with their eyes more than any movie.

The movie is hard to find — check some of the online pirate sites — but a definite treasure.Also note the contrasting use of the German national anthem, transposed to a minor key, at 1:50 at the end of the video…Thank you for this thoughtful distillation of the critical scene… There’s so much to unpack in “Casablanca”, some of which was created apparently without the creators being consciously aware… As for the climax of Rick, I think it may have happened a little earlier when he agrees to help the young refugee couple….

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All because of the power of a single song, and its ability to inspire, to create and destroy, to stoke passions and reconciliations and fears and loves.

I, having been born and brought up in SW Georgia, with all my forebears from 1650 and so forth coming to Virginia from England and Wales and all living in the South, am most probably going to be shot before a firing squad for my treason in not concurring with their opinions, however, for me CASABLANCA is my favorite and always has been.
The media and popular culture is too obsessed with “best”, “greatest”, “biggest”, “funniest”.It’s a lazy way of morphing what is clearly your favorite into a fact.

“The greatest, end of story”.

This is the first moment of Rick choosing a side, of joining in resistance in some small way.The band launches into “La Marseillaise” with Victor leading the singing, and within two seconds, the entire bar (except the Germans) has stood and joined him.

One of my favourite movies of all time. So motivating (to both sides) is the urgency of defence; so easily (to all sides) can it turn to aggression.

Wonderful!Exactly what I’ve been telling my Film Studies students here at Tolland High School.Much of the emotional impact of the film has been attributed to the large proportion of European exiles and refugees who were extras or played minor roles.

(Rick is a constant source of curiosity for Louis throughout the film.)

No, it’s not the end of the story by a long shot.I am too ashamed about present to worry about future.This was so well written.