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Sorry but this article is wrong.Nice one ...have the habit of doing this. In terms of runtime and memory usage, there should be near zero difference in the totals between these two code samples:The reason is simple: Internally, that first part of the loop expression (the Internally, that first part of the loop expression (the i = 0 part) runs exactly once. For loop-internal variables, this shouldn't actually save any memory on average.

In it we use a variable and keep on increasing or decreasing it till a condition is matched. The interpreter in JS is running at a much higher level and if a variable is declared inside a loop it will effectively run the code as if the variable were declared outside. Although we can skip one or more sections from the for loop, we have to put the semicolon (;) in place; otherwise, it will throw compilation error. C For loop is one of the most used loops in any programming language.
I love design and music!Create templates to quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.I really doubt this is right at all, and this is not a good experiment to show that it is right.1) You're not recording the heap before hand, so it's impossible to know how much has actually changed2) You're not running multiple experiments.

But in truth it's not that simple, as the comments have shown.The better answer, if loop declaration us bothering you, is to put the variable declaration in a spot that it only happens once. C does not define when or where memory allocation is made for automatic variables: it only defines rules for when storage is meaningfully accessible, and rules about which declaration of a name is the one denoted by a mention of the name. At the least, you should be reporting an average over many trials.3) You're logging to the console in this experiment.

Otherwise, it will exit from the for loop.It will repeat the process up to 10. I'm a FrontEnd developer, specialized on Angular platform. Also there is no block scope variables in JavaScript. In some compilers the answer would be "neither of the above".

In my career, I've worked a lot with different programming languages, especially with C# and javascript.During my years of development, I've faced a lot of performance issues, on Mobile and Desktop applications.In Javascript, there isn't a manual garbage collector system (like c# or c++ But what can we do, as developers, to decrease the RAM usage for example?This fact, combined with the typeless Js language could create big memory leaks, performance issues, and other bad behaviors.A simple, but effective method to recycle RAM is to declare variables once and reuse them when needed.

You should add a big fat disclaimer to the article that so you made mistakes here. The big picture answer is that the compiler is very smart and you don't need to worry much about performance, so (a) it probably won't matter and (b) it's more … Unless performance is really essential and in this case it's probably negligible, writing cleaner code is more important imo.

invocation of a method. Follow the KISS principal.I recently found myself reviewing code from a senior software engineer that was filled with premature optimizations. Will definitely take note of this from here on out.That's because it is incorrect. Basti Ortiz (Some Dood) Open source and radically transparent.We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.
When a variable is declared in a for loop, the compiler internally promotes it to a local variable in the for loop's enclosing scope. No way your simple script took that much memory. Statement 3 increases a value (i++) each time the code block in the loop … Please look further down the comments for a comment by Jan Hasebos.

Please don't do this and take this article down.

He likely has no idea that this is bad advice and this is all probably discouraging. So it will exit from the nested or inner for loop. He drew attention to the one thing that seemed to stand out, memory.

If this condition is True, then it will enter into second for loop. This condition is True until i reaches to 11.