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a constitutional perspective is equally worthy of protection, so that state's legal order
circumstances are especially cases in which] eugenic, ethical (criminological), and social
[In the above
A continuation of the pregnancy seems especially unbearable if it can be
this indication case, the legislator must describe the situation which will not lead to
BVerfGE 39, 1 - Schwangerschaftsabbruch I (25.02.1975) BVerfGE 38, 398 - Auslieferung II (19.02.1975) BVerfGE 38, 386 - Aussperrung von Betriebsratsmitgliedern (19.02.1975) Pregnancy belongs to the intimate sphere of women which
[This duty] also
abortion may be performed immediately after the counseling is very unlikely to lead to
circumstances must not qualify which do not seriously burden the person with the duty [to
The termination of a pregnancy is an act of killing...
In this general situation the "reduction of the abortion
The decisive
principle, within the responsibility of the legislator.The concept of the objective value decision shall not become the vehicle
BVerfGE 39,1 - Abortion I (German: BVerfGE 39,1 - Schwangerschaftsabbruch I) was a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, addressing the issue of abortion in 1975, two years after the United States Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. legal order may not render the women's right to self-determination into its sole guideline
whether the lifting of the penal provision against termination of pregnancy during the
Nothing prevents [the legislator]
reverse, whether the state punishes Even if one, contrary to our opinion, follows the majority and finds a
sanctions for the protection of unborn life that it deems useful and necessary for the
are especially present when the affected person is thrown into heavy inner conflicts by
principle also with respect to the mother. legality of abortion (BVerfGE 39, 1) and on the Worker Codetermination Act 1976 (BVerfGE 50, 290). favor the protection of the fetus' life over the right of self-determination of the women. In order for it to be respected and protected, the legal system must guarantee the legal framework for its development by providing the unborn with its own right to life (cf. Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Last updated: 03/07/2020 Page 5 of 29. [mother's] desire to carry the pregnancy to terms, wherever no serious reasons against
hand, to employ preventive psychological, Supportive measure of this kind can understandably, [for instance] due to
during the first third of the pregnancy. Instead, circumstances with considerable weight must be given,
available public and private welfare and aid benefits (II. Because the nasciturus
It is true that a women's right to develop her personality, which consists of
The legislator is principally not obliged to employ the same criminal
important and urgent to better protect life and to restore the credibility of the legal
the prerequisite of all other basic rights. punish], but to draw boundaries for such use. From this perspective the use of criminal law to punish "acts of abortion" is
605 1976 . Second, the fact that
3. b)).
women's right to take responsibility for herself and to make a decision against parenthood
legislator removes these true cases of conflict from the coverage of the penal law, he
The Fifth Law to Reform the Criminal Law therefore solely encompasses a duty to undergo
order, to the Federal Constitutional Court. manner in which [such a decision] was effectuated is obviously erroneous. Especially with respect to the protection of unborn life the guiding
[The means] how the state is to fulfill its obligation of an effective
For the general
The Fifth Law to Reform the Criminal Code represents the so-called Does the reformed abortion statute violate the right to life of the life
inviolability of the person" (Basic Law Article 2.2., first sentence) is in jeopardy,
differing authority of state organs, find only limited inclusion into a criminal statute. c)). 3.
To solve such inner conflicts by the threat of penal
of punishment and forgoes the imposition of the means of criminal punishment, then the
regulation. The Fifth Law to Reform the Criminal Code represents the so-called Fristenloesung--a solution of the abortion issue relying on a combination of a deadline until when an abortion may be performed with some mandatory counseling procedures.
of an orderly living together [in the society], can also use its power to punish; however,
responsibility and declare a legal vacuum by not making a value judgment and leaving this
self-evident, that to refrain from punishment is the opposite of a state intervention... 2. Here the question emerges of how
).The mandatory counseling procedure in the reformed Criminal Code
However, according to the freedom-oriented
epidemic" is not only a "sociopolitical desirable aim", but especially
Mai 1975: 2 BvL 13/73: Abweichende Meinung: Band 38. of the Basic Law is "every living human being", or, put differently, every human
interventions--for example, the principle of proportionality. life with the mother establishes a special relation for which there is no parallel in any
value system. Undoubtedly, the natural union of the unborn
criminal sanction. First, doctors are not qualified to inform women about
legislator wanted to do without criminal sanctions in these cases, this would only be
point in all these cases is that another interest asserts itself with urgency, which, from
The duty of the state to protect every human life can therefore be
[a right] she cannot be expected to sacrifice for the unborn life.