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The credit is valid for 12 months from the original flight date.Together Defeating COVID-19, Together Thriving AgainKindly take note that until further notice the office hours of the Embassy arePlease note that the Embassy is closed between 13h00 - 14h00.submit their passports together with their appliactions It reminds them never to forget the past, but to strive for national unity.

The decision is consistent with our considered national policy position for targeted and localized responses to manage cluster outbreaks or suspected community transmission.The STAGE 1 lockdown of the Erongo region will lapse at midnight tonight, Monday 22nd June 2020. It describes their will to survive amid hardships and, most importantly, their love for their country and their nation. Various national symbols are represented on the Coat of Arms :The two animals and the plant on the Coat of Arms are used symbolically.The Coat of Arms may not be used by private bodies without the express permission of the President.Namibia Land of the Brave represents the history of Namibia and its people. Botschaft der Republik Namibia Reichsstrasse 17 14052 Berlin - Charlottenburg.

Once on a riband beneath the Coat of Arms and again circumscribed on the rim.All national symbols are protected by law, which prohibits any act of intent to insult, display contempt or hold them up to ridicule.The Flag of Namibia's President represents the supreme authority of the head of state and chief executive and is flown on the President's car. Resumption of visa application processing will be communicated through this channel.2.1.Exemption of fees for extension of visitor’s entry permits is granted for all those who have found themselves in the Republic of Namibia and due to COVID-19 could not return to the country of origin under the conditions listed in the Notice of Exemption below.3.1.All Namibian points of entry are closed for non-essential travel, as outlined by the current Stage 3 regulations (Stage 1 for Erongo Region)3.2.Kindly keep yourself updated with reliable sources from authorities (Government of the Republic of Namibia, Federal Foreign Office) about current regulations in place that might hinder travel from and to Namibia (i.e.
Seit der Unabhängigkeit Namibias entstand eine tragfähige Partnerschaft zwischen unseren Ländern, die wir weiter ausbauen wollen. Twenty-four (24) out of the 28 newly reported cases originate from Erongo region, which records the highest number of diagnosed cases in the country since announcement of the Index Case in the country exactly 100 days ago, on 14 March 2020. "Article 32 (2) provides that: “In accordance with the responsibility of the executive branch of Government to the legislative branch, the President and the Cabinet shall each year during the consideration of the official budget address Parliament on the state of the nation and on the future policies of Government, shall report on the policies of the previous year and shall be available to respond to questions.”The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation has been following with great concern the events surrounding the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.As victims of institutionalised and systemic racism until three decades ago, the government and people of Namibia express deep outrage and condemn the brutal murder of George Floyd by US Police. Die Botschaft von Deutschland in Windhoek ist wie alle Botschaften ein Ort der Prepräsentation und dient inbesondere der Pflege bilateraler Beziehungen, zwischen Deutschland und Namibia, sowie der Vertretung Deutscher Interessen in Namibia..

It reminds them never to forget the past, but to strive for national unity.The use of the President's Flag is restricted to Namibia. Targeted testing through active case search is being conducted by the Ministry of Health and Social Services to determine the possibility of community transmission.On Tuesday 05th May 2020 the country transitioned from STAGE 2 with Strict Precautions, to STAGE 3 with Moderate Precautions, with exception of Walvis Bay, followed by the Erongo Region, for which it became necessary to revert to STAGE 1 lockdown on 08 June 2020. We are at a crossroads in our history and in this year of introspection, at this hour of need, we are faced with the most burning question of our time.

+49 (0) 30 / 25 40 95 0. Kontakt Botschaften.
When the President travels to other countries only the National Flag is used.

The incidence of new infections, at Walvis Bay in particular, confirms the presence of isolated cluster outbreaks at the town. Die Botschaft von Namibia in Wien ist wie alle Botschaften ein Ort der Prepräsentation und dient inbesondere der Pflege bilateraler Beziehungen, zwischen Namibia und Österreich, sowie der Vertretung Namibischer Interessen in Österreich.. Der Pflege und Entwicklung der Beziehungen mit Österreich stehen dabei im Vordergrund. We are at a crossroads in our history and in this year of introspection, at this hour of need, we are faced with the most burning question of our time.

Fax +49 (0) 30 / 25 40 95 55. www.namibia-botschaft.de.

3.2.Kindly keep yourself updated with reliable sources from authorities (Government of the Republic of Namibia, Federal Foreign Office) about current regulations in place that might hinder travel from and to Namibia (i.e.

Deutschland und Namibia verbindet eine gemeinsame Geschichte, die auch mit schmerzlichen Erinnerungen verbunden ist.