Airlines are expected to take several more weeks after that to train pilots and retrofit planes that have been parked for more than 16 months. Almost all were Max orders.
And with more than 400 seats available, this 747 creates a unique opportunity to maximize the bottom-line potential of any high-volume route. The agency will require an alert to warn pilots if there appears to a problem with the sensors.The FAA also plans to make MCAS less powerful so that pilots can respond if it mistakenly pushes the plane’s nose down.
So it's no surprise that on high-volume routes the 747-8 offers premium revenue potential.
Boeing paid Southwest It also plans to require a warning light to pilots that wasn’t working on the planes that crashed, changes to on-board computers, and the rerouting of some wiring.The document and an accompanying 95-page summary, following an 18-month review, provide the most detailed look yet at the FAA’s examination of factors that contributed to the crashes, which killed 346 people. “It was a Band-Aid approach.”Lemme said Boeing’s critical mistake was in assuming that it was fine for MCAS to rely on a single sensor instead of two, which is where the new design ended up.The Max was once Boeing’s best-selling plane, but the crashes and subsequent grounding turned it into a disaster to the company’s reputation and finances. Teladoc Health Inc. and Livongo Health Inc., have agreed to merge in a deal valued at $18.5 billion to create a company that can serve a spectrum of health needs using virtual care. Detailansicht öffnen ... Doch Boeing, inzwischen nach dem Absturz … Pilots — who didn’t know about MCAS until after the first crash — would also receive more training.The agency said more than 40 engineers, pilots and other staffers spent more than 60,000 hours on the review, which included test flights and analysis of more than 4,000 hours of Boeing flights and simulator time. Internal emails showed employees worrying about safety and bragging about deceiving regulators. It's premium value, delivered, for operators and passengers. It is not clear when the FAA will lift its March 2019 order grounding all Max jets, which followed similar orders by regulators in the rest of the world. So far this year, Boeing has suffered 382 order cancellations and dropped another 323 from its backlog because the sales are uncertain. “While we still have a lot of work in front of us, this is an important milestone in the certification process.”Airlines began using the Max in 2017. Many airlines have stood by Boeing and the Max, however.
Nun will Boeing die Produktion einstellen - die 747 passt nicht mehr in die Zeit.
It's premium value, delivered, for operators and passengers.
... 01.08.2020, 17.07 Uhr ... als der Absturz eines Jumbos von Japan Airlines 520 Todesopfer forderte.
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That's a better way to fly.Copyright © 1995 - 2020 Boeing. Der US-Flugzeugbauer Boeing stellt die Produktion seines Jumbo-Jets 747 nach mehr als 50 Jahren ein. Federal regulators on Monday outlined a list of design changes they will require in the Boeing 737 Max to fix safety issues that were discovered after two deadly crashes that led to the worldwide grounding of the plane.The Federal Aviation Administration proposed software changes to a flight-control system implicated in the crashes. The public will now get 45 days to comment, after which FAA is expected to publish a final rule for operating the Max. Konzernchef Dave Calhoun begründete den Schritt mit der derzeitigen Marktentwicklung. Boeing officials said last week they hope to win regulatory approval to resume deliveries of completed Max jets in the fourth quarter of this year.“We’re continuing to make steady progress towards the safe return to service, working closely with the FAA and other global regulators,” said Boeing spokesman Bernard Choi.
Als die Piloten Feuer im Laderaum bemerkten, versuchten sie den Flughafen auf der Insel Jeju zur Notlandung anzusteuern. And with more than 400 seats available, this 747 creates a unique opportunity to maximize the bottom-line potential of any high-volume route.