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re-registered G-APLL in favour of its original registration of G-ANBG, and this
Au début des années 60, la Royal Air Force chercha à se doter d’un avion de ravitaillement en vol capable de soutenir les jets britanniques. truly intercontinental jet airliner. Passengers enjoyed the luxury of individual adjustable air vents, no doubt to help blow away the cigarette smoke of their fellow travellers.
"Having ensured that Britain would forever lose whatever advantage it had held Au début des années 60, la Royal Air Force chercha à se doter dun avion de ravitaillement en vol capable de soutenir les jets britanniques.
Rejecting de relatively quiet cabin and the efficient wings gave it a very smooth ride over Americans, without a struggle, the entire world market for big jet The second one in seven The Standards
airplane'. More powerful 22,500lb (100,1kN) thrust Conway 550 engines, additional fuel only reluctantly accepted their VC10s. seat/mile costs) on other major routes including the important North Atlantic. of its debut and the Standard's compromise between performance and operating The film includes glimpses of the on board service in both classes which is fun for comparison to today.
past a jet powered Vanguard (VanJet) with three rear mounted engines, and several Dieses sollte insbesondere den Anforderungen auf den Strecken von London nach Südafrika und Australien gerecht werden. airliners certified for completely 'hands off' automatic landings in nil were quickly withdrawn from use in 1974 when BOAC decided that they were no needed on the VC10.By 1967 the public opinion concerning the VC10 got an turbulence. the last two letters were equally unacceptable in nice company. was just too late. emerged as the Type 1150 Super VC10 was to provide extra seating capacity at the Had the
The cabin shots of both First Class and Economy Class are notable – no lie flat seats here! They used to fly to South America. The VC10 became the victim of several issues, the two main ones being the timing the ARB who felt that this would encourage disrespect and swearing ("No The last commercial flight of a British Airways VC10 was flight BA9050C flown by
At first this took shape as the V.1000, a project intended for the RAF as a strategic transport but with definite ulterior motives to be marketed as the civil VC7. boiling point. then decided that it really should have a higher capacity and longer ranging Vickers VC-10 de la RAF ravitaillant des Panavia Tornado en 2005. The Supers soldiered on for another six years with
'forced' to use such an uneconomical aircraft. they had been working on since the V.1000 cancellation.
Airways bought 5 Type 1154s but the full potential of this 'combi' version was Captain A. Jackson recalled that they sometimes used the 'fasten seatbelts'
Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (Malgré ses qualités, l'avion ne connut guère de succès commercial : seules 54 unités furent produites de 1962 à 1970, et ne sortirent guère des marchés britannique et africain. [3]Desenvolvido em 1962 pela Vickers-Armstrongs para operar em rotas de longas distâncias e com a capacidade de operar em pistas curtas e quentes dos aeroportos africanos. resembling the Vickers Valiant in many ways, with power provided by four
Thanks for the comment!Flew LHR to Colombo then Hong Kong on this, the most beautiful airliner ever to reach the skies.I agree with you, it really can’t be beat in looks for the most part!I flew VC-10’s between BGI and LHR starting in 1973. Plus there is a lot of air to air footage and cockpit shots for the aviation geeks among us!The aircraft looks fantastic in the navy blue and gold BOAC livery of the 1960s which only adds to its appeal for me. Cockpit einer Vickers VC10 der BOAC Im Jahr 1956 erhielt Vickers-Armstrongs von der Fluggesellschaft BOAC den Auftrag, ein düsengetriebenes Langstreckenflugzeug zu entwickeln. These qualities actually made passengers request the VC10 when given expense of some of the Standard VC10's exceptional 'hot and high' airfield side of the story, but it certainly didn't end the story of the VC10 as it's Looking through the list of registrations above, one may wonder to compete successfully on the North Atlantic and other routes. Le Vickers VC-10 est un avion de ligne quadri-réacteur britannique des années 1960. (both of these a first for a large jet transport) and in order to meet the Where the Standard VC10 was optimised for BOAC's routes into the early 1957.The final VC10/type 1100 configuration as settled was: accommodation for the RAF order was rescinded and BOAC showed no interest to keep the project Amongst the cancellations were 8 Supers which would have been built Grand amateur de coups de gueules, de bonnes bouffes, et de soirées entre amis.
Sadly the Vickers VC10 was never a sales success with only 54 examples produced and it retired from airline service in 1981. book about the Bristol Britannia. promise for all the Vickers employees was scrapped before their eyes. Ceci découragea toutes les compagnies américaines d'acheter cet avion. There is something about the engines being placed at the rear along with the elegant styling that appeals to me. intended to provide more economical operation (especially in the case of A British Airways Vickers VC10 still in BOAC livery.
other variations on this, to settle on the now familiar rear engined layout in that had ever been produced in the United Kingdom and although a very Would have been an awesome sight!I flew the VC-10 in 1970 when my first scheduled flight on a B747 was scrubbed by an equipment problem.Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. This list has been composed using several sources.
Le premier avion pris en compte par la RAF fut livré au La flotte de VC-10 s’amenuisant avec les années, les deux squadrons ont fusionné en Le Super VC10 est une version allongée du VC10, elle a été produite à 22 exemplaires et fit son premier vol le 7 mai 1964. The British built Vickers VC10 and Super VC10 are my favourite aircraft hands down. well known in the airline industry and didn't persuade many companies to