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He’s particularly weak to . Behemoth launches them in lines from the front of his body, and at roughly 45 degree angles to either side. 1 & Con. You can tell where by looking for the scorched areas that appear on the ground. Early on, when you’re in wide open spaces, .

His physical attacks can break the stones.

The ground will crackle with electricity before Behemoth launches lightning strikes in . Don’t forget to carve him for materials—which you can put towards the amazing Once you dodge that death knell, however, it’s time to celebrate! Make sure to bring an . The massive monster will hit you with wind, fire, lightning, bleeding, and strong physical attacks; making it hard to prepare for every eventuality.
It’s arguably the best hunter tool in the game and perfect for juking Behemoth., one of Lunastra’s sets, doesn’t hurt, either.

Try to keep them in easy reach, away from tornadoes and spread out from one another to increase the odds of getting behind them quickly.If you’re tanking, you also want to keep Behemoth away from the comets after they land. He’ll rear his head back and begin targeting a specific member of the group. Unlike other monsters, though, Behemoth doesn’t naturally go to sleep when critically wounded.

Too few players actually do it, but everybody needs it. Just remember to jump from spot to spot using the left stick when he tries to buck you off.Support is the trickiest role to play during the Behemoth fight, but doing it well is —especially if you’re playing with strangers. That’s when Behemoth moves into smaller combat areas—leaving you less room to safely position the tornadoes.The problem with using Flash Pods on the monster is that it also resets his enmity. Speaking of which, a will let you escape to camp—and restock much-needed items—mid-battle.Another helpful, but time-consuming way to prepare is to complete the Lunastra quest-line that begins with the mission “The Blazing Sun.” That unlocks the incredibly useful : an item that makes you automatically dodge large monster attacks. If he starts using Comet more frequently, that’s your cue that he’s about to leave his parting gift.

This keeps the creature distracted and opens him up to incredible damage. Wir zeigen, welche Waffen im Single- und Multiplayer jetzt am stärksten sind. It carries many of that game’s dungeon mechanics with it, as well—including the ability to tank and a one-hit-kill attack that will wipe your entire hunting party if you’re not careful. The Argosy might also have some for you, but that’s entirely up to chance.. Lots of Flash Pods. You can even drink a potion while at full health to heal your allies across the field. in a pinch) are great ways to stay safe. So grab your Nergigante and Xeno’Jiva gear for this one.The monster is also vulnerable to every type of ailment, from poison to paralysis, so you can pick your favorite. And remember that being knocked flat on your back in makes you immune to damage until you stand up.

It encourages you to split a party of four into distinct roles: tank, DPS, and support.

Sports a muscular frame and two gigantic horns.

Luckily, most of them are easy to dodge or otherwise cancel out if you know how.Before we go over them, however, there’s something vital to note.

The Final Fantasy XIV Behemoth quests are completely separate from the main story of Monster Hunter World.

Anyone in the combat area not standing behind a comet to block the impact will die instantly. After a few seconds Behemoth will summon a long-lasting tornado at your location that knocks back and damages anyone who touches it.The best way to avoid it changes throughout the fight.

Wearing four pieces also nets you the , while making ranged weapons more powerful at shorter distances. It basically acts as a free life during the fight. That leaves your teammates free to wail on the monster while he’s locked into his spell-casting stance.

Here's an in-depth guide on how to beat Behemoth. The Behemoth is a creature from another world. We’ll try to tackle them one-by-one.Hitting Behemoth on the head raises your “enmity,” or aggro with the beast. Seriously, though… Try to use the comets. Comet works an awful lot like Charybdis. Behemoth is a big, big boy. is a godsend if you can get it. Reliable mounting attacks also help a good deal. Its high defense and Mind’s Eye/Ballistics skill also make it great for supplementing tank and DPS roles.The big bottleneck on playing support is healing items. So even weak ones like standard potions and can become incredibly effective. It’s not just useful. It’s downright make-or-break for certain phases of the fight.Now let’s take a look at all of Behemoth’s special moves.This is one of Behemoth’s most common attacks. Its body and front legs are absurdly muscular, though its hind legs are less so. Besides coming with Wide-Range, it has several skills that reduce the cooldown on tools—like the healing .