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Barcelona welcomes the summer with over a thousand activities in its “T’estiu molt” campaign and a range of options specially increased for 2020, with more places available, facilities such as libraries and community centres open and new uses for public space, particularly in the most vulnerable neighbourhoods. You can find the latest information and keep abreast of disruptions to services on municipal social media. What had been mere conjecture until now, has now been confirmed by an exhaustive study commissioned by the trade association “Barcelona Oberta” which correlates numbers with the economic impact of tourists' purchases in the city.
Consult full information on the reinforcement of measures against the Covid-19 health emergency.
Find out all about it!The City Council is making its contemporary photographic collection, featuring over four thousand pictures of Barcelona, available to the public. Procedures
You’ll find them all here. The 2020 summer bathing season in Barcelona coincides with the lockdown exit process for Covid-19 and includes special measures to control capacity at the beaches and guarantee the necessary safety distance.
Find out more!The 2020 summer bathing season in Barcelona coincides with the lockdown exit process for Covid-19 and includes special measures to control capacity at the beaches and guarantee the necessary safety distance.Find out what services are available to help you get around the city and discover how mobility is changing in Barcelona and becoming healthier, safer, more sustainable and better-connected. Check out the on-site and virtual agenda!Find out about the various options for buying safely and about the measures being applied to restaurants as a result of the coronavirus crisis.The City Council is launching a shock tax-measure plan to guarantee the solvency of families, freelancers and companies.Barcelona is declaring a climate emergency and speeding up a series of changes that commit all the city’s players. How to get there If we are to achieve that we need to take advantage of the developmental potential of tourism as a lever for launching other economic sectors, helping to strengthen the territory’s production network and integrating tourist activities into local economic development.Initiatives are also needed for ensuring quality, inclusive, innovative and competitive jobs in the tourist sector, such as promoting establishments that create stable work conditions or launching initiatives for training and providing qualifications for the professionals providing services to the tourist industry.Tourists coming to Barcelona do so largely because of the way we show them the city and its attractions. Communication channels
In Barcelona you can see the best of Gaudí at La Pedrera and the Casa Batlló, visit the Picasso Museum, enjoy yourself with your kids on the Golondrinas pleasure boats and at Barcelona Zoo, or discover the wonders of the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya and other museums. #Maiensaturem
Find out all about it!This is a pioneering municipal service run by the Catalan LGBTI Organisations Platform, offering an extensive range of information, guidance, direct-assistance and awareness-raising services. What economic benefits does it entail?
The Strategic Tourism Plan 2020 has initiated an intense process of reflection and generation of shared knowledge about tourism in the city and its effects.
How to get there
Info Barcelona
In short, this is about having more planning tools at our disposal that also ensure a fairer redistribution.The plan strengthens resources for inspecting and pursuing illegality, especially in the realm of accommodation, and provides for reviewing urban-planning tools to tackle the effects of tourist activities on the city, from metropolitan to neighbourhood scales.The last few years have seen the rise of completely new phenomena linked to the city’s tourists uses, which current byelaws do not cover. The Imatges Barcelona portal includes unpublished photos of Barcelona taken during the lockdown and the lockdown-exit process caused by the Covid-19 crisis.Find out about all the things you can do to combat climate change and become familiar with Barcelona’s Find out about women’s support services and the resources available to combat discrimination and sexist violence and promote gender equality.Consult this guide, which is published by Barcelona City Council, for promoting inclusive communication and language reflecting the diversity of society.Best practice guide for companies on managing sexual and gender diversity and protecting LGBTI rights.All you need to know about managing waste and helping to make the city more sustainable.Discover Barcelona’s traditions, popular culture and enchanting spots, as well as initiatives and programmes to preserve the memory of our past.