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This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. Crazy strong, Vengeful, Markings on his body, "cursed", and the son of the main head deity. Druid Tattoo Norse Tattoo Viking Tattoos I Tattoo Tattoo Drawings Body Art Tattoos Sleeve Tattoos Viking Symbols Tattoo Ideas Baldur and most of his tattoos [God of War] Post with 55 votes and 14364 views. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. God of War won Game of the Year 2018.

Damn what a complex and tragic character. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Atreus's runes currently seem rather simplistic, but could he gain more distinctive tattoos in later games when his powers develop?Rune translators have also been able to shed some more light on the game's infamous end-game mural. Does anyone know the meaning of or even have any good photos of Baldurs tattoo’s ?Also apparently "The red runes on Baldur’s back across his shoulders transliterates to the word “cursed”. The runes on the left side of his chest reads “Ek er dauði”, which roughly translates to “I am death” in Icelandic"Damn...He really was this Pantheons version of Kratos in some ways. By translating runes on the outside of the God of War Collector's Edition box, EndimionN uncovered a So how do the translators do it? Damn what a complex and tragic character. " Hahaha.

–Baldur to Kratos in their first confrontation. The meaning is "I am dead".

Now a fully-fledged reporter, she loves asking difficult questions, smashing people at DDR and arguing about, well, everything.How accurate exactly is the weather in the forthcoming sim? He was the son of Odin and Freya, half-brother of Thor and Týr, and the half-uncle of Magni and M…

There has also been debate as to whether Atreus's neck tattoo means "fishnet mind" or "calm mind" (interestingly, fishing is associated with the god Loki in Norse mythology). To find out, I contacted Redditor Geirvald, who has established a 'According to Geirvald, reading runes is "more akin to decoding than translating", so Geirvald suggests first transliterating the runes into the latin alphabet before translating the phrase from Old Norse to English. So much smarter. Balder's tattoos in this game say a few different things.

The language and the orthography are both very confused. When I asked Geirvald about the community response on Reddit to the translation projects, he noted there had been a great deal of interest, and some fantastic collaborations between fans. To help with this, Geirvald recommends making a small list of these trickier runes. Its probably why Kratos took the fight with Baldur personal and intervened in the end, he saw himself in Baldur and when he tried to talk him out of his quest for revenge, he had no choice but to kill him. This sort of depth can only be achieved through careful research and design, and Santa Monica has (rightly) received a great deal of attention for its clever use of mythology to write the game's lore. Crazy strong, Vengeful, Markings on his body, "cursed", and the son of the main head deity. Not brilliant news for Kratos, it would seem.Meanwhile, Redditor EndimionN also made a rather touching discovery by thinking (quite literally) outside of the box. "The simplified inscriptions allow players to take a few minutes to transliterate, check a dictionary online, and manage to access a mythological reference, a game secret, or even a joke.

Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more.

On the surface, God of War's runes may seem merely decorative, but a closer inspection reveals the game features a working runic system all of its own. Kratos's world feels like a rich tapestry woven from various strands of ancient mythologies; a complex re-imagining of stories and history that has resulted in the creation of a mysterious Nordic world.