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We develop and build local capability inside a global footprint.
We are taking energy forward - making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and for the planet.
Completing the fullstream capability, BHGE helps enable greater efficiency, reliability and process safety for refinery and petrochemical plants through chemical, mechanical, digital and service solutions.
The company provides the oil and gas industry with products and services for oil drilling, formation evaluation, completion, production and reservoir consulting. Together with our customers, we are accelerating the pace of change for the industry.
Working with our customers to increase productivity, optimize their operations and reduce total cost of ownership through game-changing technology, services and innovative collaborative commercial models. Baker Hughes INTEQ GmbH is located in Celle, Niedersachsen, Germany and is part of the Oil & Gas Field Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Comprehensive capabilities ensuring the highest availability, reliability, and efficiency for the entire life of your equipment.
Producing the lowest cost-per-barrel requires proven technology and expertise to get the most from evaluation, drilling, completions and production operations.
We invent and invest in disruptive innovation to create new technologies and solutions to transform the industry.We are committed to protecting the health and safety of people and the environment. With operations in over 120 countries, we are developing and deploying technology to take energy and industry forward.
Only BHGE has a fullstream capability: the portfolio, the technology and the people to radically transform the oil and gas industry and deliver unparalleled improvement in industrial yield for our customers.
From reservoir to refinery, from the depths of the sea to the cloud. Providing ultra-high energy efficiency for cryogenic and waste-to-value applications.
Extensive and training solutions to develop talent and improve expertise to reduce risks and increase productivity.
Beat the day-versus-depth curve with reliable technology.
Check out our Careers site to learn more about how you can be a part of the team.
Reduce the time and cost of interventions, from well construction to abandonment.
Smart solutions to help industry operate safely, securely, and efficiently while reducing costs.
Enterprise-scale AI to make energy operations safer, cleaner and more efficient Rely on experienced teams and proven technology in critical operations. Flexible solutions for high reliability and endurance. Proven modular designs with the flexibility to meet operating challenges across the oil and gas, and power generation industries. Comprehensive capabilities ensuring the highest availability, reliability, and efficiency for the entire life of your equipment. We are proud of our progress in environmental, social and governance priority areas.We issue the North America and International rig counts as a service to the industry.
Baker Hughes global additive teams in the United States, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia have joined the effort.
A proven range of single and multistage, horizontally and radially split designs for long-term reliability in harsh conditions.
To preview our new web experience and learn more about the new Baker Hughes, visit