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Cost: 9000 doubloons (Roughly 42 real-world American moneys). With the primary armament of the Atlanta being duel purpose guns, this gives it a very nice long-range punch with it’s AA at 5km base.It should be noted that unlike other cruisers around it’s tier, it does not get a floatplane. Boise has a mutant healing factor and fifteen 6 inch guns, so it has a much more devastating single salvo potential.Yoshino — Japanese promo premium Tier X cruiser.. A fast-moving ship armed with 310 mm artillery for her main battery, intended to counter enemy heavy cruisers (Project B-65). This often leads to slugging matches where the Atlanta puts its prodigious rate of fire to work, trying to outburn it’s enemies before succumbing in turn. By holding fire and careful maneuver, it’s possible to avoid the initial salvos until you’re in a position to start dishing out the damage.The anti-aircraft abilities of the Atlanta are very respectable — comparable, but not quite as good as the Clevelands. This means it misses out on the bonus AA fire and spotting ability provided by these eyes in the sky. This comparisson asside, it shares many playstyle characteristics as the Cleveland — being best put to use in the supporting role where it’s withering rate of fire can quickly pull apart it’s opponents.The main selling feature of the Atlanta will be it’s primary armament. Instead it gets two quad-mounted torpedo launchers, one to each side. Unlike it’s IJN counterparts at lower tiers, the Atlanta comes with a very respectable AA suite and serviceable main guns. Equipped with eight turrets (seven on a broadside) mounting two guns each, the Atlanta looks to be bristling with firepower. At 27,500 HP and a good chance that one of the heavyweights on the enemy team will hit critical areas if given a clean shot, it's best to weave through ...Few premium ships polarize opinions on playability as does the USS Atlanta. PROs. i just reached 19 points on my Atlanta captain and am pretty happy with the load out. ATLANTA IS THE BEST GODDAMN SHIP TO EVER GRACE THIS GAME WITH ITS MERE PRESENCE. It’s an excellent escort, able to assist seeing off attack waves of aircraft or making a Destroyer keep well clear of your capital ships. With no more than 90mm of armour at the thickest, short of angling, it cannot be trusted to repel incoming rounds. Success in game depends on finding the sweet spot between the two. The following is aimed at new(ish) players looking to find a little more information about various ships from events, for premium currency or … Pressing and holding your trigger will ripple fire a pair of shots roughly every 0.6 seconds with only the briefest of pauses (less than a second) before it starts all over again. ANYTHING LESS THEN A FULL WRITTEN APOLOGY WILL RESULT IN DEATH BY SHELLING WHICH WILL COMMENCE TOMORROW WITH THE FIRST SHELLS LANDING ON YOUR HOUSE IN 6-8 ...WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Don't worry, there are lots of attractive offers available in other categories.General Submissions are Atlanta Review’s bread and butter. Equally, if the enemy is distracted, the raw firepower of the Atlanta will quickly add up to some nice kills for your team.But that said, it’s hard to recommend the Atlanta outright for it’s cost because of the Cleveland sitting one tier lower at tier 6. At 32.9 knots, it’s again dead average for USN Cruisers, but slower than the IJN ships it will face. He won the 2017 Bermuda Triangle Poetry Prize, and was the First Runner-Up for the 2019 Fischer Poetry Prize.This category is empty. This is an appreciable loss and I have found myself often missing it’s presence after having gotten very accustomed to having one with my Cleveland.The Atlanta truly is an oddity.
She's not something you invest in because you think she's good. This speaks more to my style of play — I taught myself how to lead ships by zooming in all of the way and knowing inately where to place the bow of the enemy ship to allow for the flight time of shells to catch up. At an 11s rudder shift time, this does necessitate pre-emptive maneuvers when facing torpedo salvos and you may be caught flat footed if you’re not careful. IMO, Atago isn't worth the cash outlay. She survives, while others like the Kitakami, remain absent. The final cost of virtual goods may vary depending on the selected payment method. The gunnery isn’t comfortable. Atlanta Music Scene Blog.

There’s something truly cathartic about putting that much firepower into the air. Please be aware that this review reflects the USS Texas as she appeared during the testing period. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much moreAtlanta has much better AA and can deal with destroyers on more equal terms due to its radar, fast firing guns and fast turret traverse.