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Arac Attack (en inglés: Eight Legged Freaks) é un filme estadounidense dirixido por Ellory Elkayem, que foi estreado no 2002 Mentre lo riporta a casa, Sam vede sua figlia Ashley mentre è in moto con il suo ragazzo Bret e alcuni suoi amici, e dopo aver fatto una multa a quest'ultimo riporta a casa anche la figlia. El film és dedicat a la memòria de Lewis Arquette, pare de David Arquette, així com a Don Devlin, pare de Dean Devlin que és l'un dels productors del film. He also mentions Chris reopening the gold mines and putting everyone back to work, but tells us "that is another story altogether." Ashley, Sam's daughter, breaks up with her boyfriend Bret, and he and his motorcyclist friends are chased by Sam contacts Pete and tells him to bring all guns in the police station's possession and they escape to Harlan's trailer, knowing he has a radio station that he operates from within his trailer. As the town is besieged by vicious spider horde, Sam tells everybody to evacuate to the mall.

Meanwhile, Harlan and Chris climb onto the roof and ascend the radio mast and try to get a signal to call the army as they are being attacked by the spiders, but are believed to be pranksters. Chris ritrova una delle loro zampe e si reca da Sam, dove Mike, analizzandola, capisce che i ragni sono ormai grandi quanto un uomo.

Intanto Gladys trova un enorme buco nella sua casa e viene catturata da un gruppo di ragni tessifilo. After Mike leaves, Joshua is bitten by an escaped tarantula and accidentally knocks down the spider cages. Le film est dédié à la mémoire de Lewis Arquette, père de David Arquette, ainsi qu'à Don Devlin, père de Dean Devlin qui est l'un des producteurs du film. Chris si riunisce con Sam e i due cercano di aprire la porta per le miniere; intanto Wade incontra Bret, il quale è ancora inseguito dai ragni saltatori, che divorano il sindaco. After losing Norman and freeing Wade, Chris goes to look for his Aunt Gladys in the mines and finds her and the gold his father was searching for, but is confronted by the gigantic Consuela.
Arac Attack - Mostri a otto zampe (Eight Legged Freaks) è un film commedia horror fantascientifica del 2002, diretto da Ellory Elkayem. Arac Attack; cartel de salidas de cines. Nella tranquilla cittadina mineraria di Prosperity, in Arizona, un incidente provoca la caduta di un barile di rifiuti tossici dentro uno stagno.

An exotic spider farmer named Joshua (Tom Noonan) has been making regular visits to the site, where he collects crickets for his spiders. Successivamente Bret e i suoi amici, recatisi in un autogrill, hanno il primo incontro con i ragni. On a highway outside of the quiet mining town of Prosperity, Arizona, a truck driver carrying a load of chemicals swerves to avoid a rabbit, causing a barrel of toxic waste to land in a reservoir. Le film est dédié à la mémoire de Lewis Arquette, père de David Arquette, ainsi qu'à Don Devlin, père de Dean Devlin qui est l'un des producteurs du film. Sam is convinced Chris and Mike are delusional. As Sam broadcasts the threat over the radio, a giant While the townsfolk are in the basement, Bret arrives on a forklift that brings down the locked gate, and they all head to through the mines straight to the front entrance, discovering the methane-filled tunnels. Chris McCormick, whose father owned the mines before he died ten years ago, shows up and stands against Wade's proposition. Juli 2002 im Rahmen des Fantasy Filmfests gezeigt. El film és dedicat a la memòria de Lewis Arquette, pare de David Arquette, així com a Don Devlin, pare de Dean Devlin que és l'un dels productors del film. Arac Attack Ver película gratis castellano, Arac Attack pelicula completa gratis 2002 Un barril de desperdicio tóxico cayendo accidentalmente a un lago en las cercanías de un pequeño pueblo en Arizona, Estados Unidos.
Meanwhile, Harlan Griffiths, an eccentric One miner is eaten by a gigantic spider, whose clan have made the mines their home.