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Subscribers can keep track of publications they are reading in the News+ tab. “Apple News+ represents an exciting opportunity to bring a premium experience to millions more readers, so they can enjoy the conversation-shifting journalism, influential points of view and unparalleled visual storytelling they’ve come to expect from our brands.”

Learn *On your Mac, the News app needs to be open in order for new issues of magazines to automatically download. It makes reading articles even more fun, immersive and convenient. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV. It makes reading articles even more fun, immersive and convenient. The App Store has a wide selection of Magazines & Newspapers apps for your iOS device. (408) 974-8850 Apple News+ showcases magazines in richly designed layouts, featuring animated covers, vivid photography and bold typography optimized for iPhone, iPad and Mac. You get every article in every title, all for one price — without ever hitting a paywall.Hear professionally narrated versions of the week’s most thought‑provoking articles with Apple News+ audio stories. Subscribe to Apple News+ to read hundreds of magazines, popular newspapers, and premium digital publishers in the News app on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.To see what magazines are included with Apple News+ before you subscribe, go to the News+ tab on iPhone or iPod touch. Leading DIY Digital Publishing Platform .

In the Today and News+ tabs, subscribers will be presented with individual article and issue recommendations based on both editorial curation and personalized suggestions that maintain user privacy. With over 6,000 magazines available, you can … Oprah Winfrey names “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” to Oprah’s Book ClubApple donates its proceeds from John Lewis documentary to museums in his honorCopyright © Apple News+ subscribers are presented with individual article and issue recommendations based on editorial curation and personalized suggestions.

Apple News+ also provides access to premium online publications such as theSkimm, The Highlight by Vox, New York Magazine’s sites Vulture, The Cut and Grub Street, and Extra Crunch from Verizon Media’s TechCrunch.

ZINIO is the world’s first and largest digital newsstand, giving you access to magazine content from the best publishers across the globe.

“At Hearst Magazines, we are hyperfocused on creating consumer value through our storied brands, high-quality content and great experiences,” said Troy Young, president of Hearst Magazines. Auf Wegen, die du nicht für möglich gehalten hast. Cupertino, California — Apple today announced Apple News+, a new subscription service that brings together over 300 popular magazines, leading newspapers and digital publishers into a beautiful, convenient and curated experience within the Apple News app. We never share it with others or allow advertisers to track you.Enhanced local news experience with premium sourcesTop stories chosen by editors, personalized for youApple News is the easiest way to stay up to date with the news and information that matter most, with a seamless reading experience across all your devices. (408) 974-2042 To read magazines in the News app, subscribe to Apple News+.Learn more about Apple News+ and Apple News+ pricing.. To see what magazines are included with Apple News+ before you subscribe, go to the News+ tab on iPhone or iPod touch. Browse and download Magazines & Newspapers apps on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch from the App Store. “We are proud to work with Apple, a company that believes in the profound importance of journalism and journalists,” said Robert Thomson, chief executive of News Corp. “The Wall Street Journal is certainly the most trusted newspaper in the US and its coverage of politics, business, economics, national news and lifestyle issues is nonpareil. “We share a world vision that is informed by our California roots and by our common commitment to innovation and excellence.” Apple News+ showcases magazines in richly designed layouts, featuring animated covers, vivid photography and bold typography optimized for iPhone, iPad and Mac. The latest on iOS, macOS, Apple Watch, AirPods, and the wider technology industry. Apple Footer * Dieses Angebot kann nicht mit Apple Rabatten für Bildungskunden kombiniert werden. Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Apple News Today is free to everyone and is also available in Apple Podcasts.Get all the latest news from a growing number of cities — with a beat on politics, sports, dining, culture, and more.Apple News only uses on-device intelligence to recommend stories and doesn’t access your information without your permission.

“Apple News+ provides a perfect platform for our expanded coverage of news, analysis and opinion,” said Norman Pearlstine, executive editor of Los Angeles Times. Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Apple launches Apple News+, an immersive magazine and news reading experience Apple Newsroom needs your permission to Subscribers to Enjoy Personalized, Comprehensive Access to Over 300 Publications Within Apple News Cumpără iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch și Mac.

Subscribe now. Und der App Store ist der beste Ort, um neue Apps zu entdecken, mit denen du deine Ziele erreichen kannst. Apple News+ subscribers gain access to over 300 publications that meet any interest.

You'll see recent issues at the top of the feed.

Apple’s more than 100,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it. Swipe through issues from cover to cover or download them to read on the go.

1. On your iPad or Mac, go to News+ in the sidebar.