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According to radar data in Magong Airport, the rain intensity at 18:03 until 19:00 was moderate. This was contrary to the company's Standard Operating Procedure. Flight 222 descended and maintained their altitude at 2,000 ft, then descended from 2000 ft to their assigned altitude of 400 ft.

On 4 February 2015, the aircraft serving the flight, a ten-month-old ATR 72-600, crashed into the Keelung River shortly after takeoff from Taipei Songshan Airport, 5.4 km (3.4 mi; 2.9 nmi) to the east of Songshan in Taiwan.

Van de 58 mensen aan boord overleefden er slechts 10. The aircraft was 6 years old and had accumulated approximately 23,000 flight hours over 13,600 flights.

The aircraft sheared trees for several hundred feet in a small forest. The second crash, involving TransAsia flight 235, happened when the aircraft clipped a bridge in Taipei and came down in the Keelung River in February 2015, leaving 43 people dead.The pilots in control of flight 222 repeatedly ignored standard operating procedures, "Flight crew coordination, communication, and threat and error management were less than effective," the report said.In heavy rain and thunder, the pilots tried to locate the runway visually, but then "lost situational awareness".The captain of the flight also failed to conduct a pre-landing briefing in accordance with standard operating procedures.Both pilots and two cabin crew members were among the 48 dead. In response to the previous investigation, the airline implemented several safety actions to eliminate Standard Operating Procedure violations.

The AIC also revealed that there were many problems with the management system in TransAsia Airways.Taiwan's ASC then examined TransAsia's pilots' roster time and flight times. The occurrence was the result of controlled flight into terrain, that is, an airworthy aircraft under the control of the flight crew was flown unintentionally into terrain with limited awareness by the crew of the aircraft’s proximity to terrain. This might be one of the factors that explained why the captain intentionally flew below the Minimum Descent Altitude and tried to visually locate the runway while maintaining 200 ft.The final report reached the following final conclusion: Interviews conducted by the AIC revealed that Captain Lee had good flying skills, and further stated that he, Captain Lee, had successfully landed in an airport previously in adverse weather condition because of his proficiency where some pilots might have initiated a missed approach. These are external links and will open in a new windowPilot error, fatigue and failure to follow safety guidelines were behind the crash of TransAsia flight 222 on 24 July 2014, a report by Taiwan's Aviation Safety Council (ASC) says.The plane crashed in a heavy storm near Magong Airport on Taiwan's Penghu island, leaving 48 dead. Kaohsiung Approach Control then instructed Flight 222 remain in a At 18:55 the aircraft was cleared to land. In addition, the shortage of standards pilots may have been another reason why the Standard Operating Procedures were not as effective as they could have been.Investigators then revealed that TransAsia Airways tolerated their pilots' lack of discipline. They already knew that the Minimum Descent Altitude was at 330 ft; however, while on the approach, the flight crew kept descending the aircraft well below from 330 ft and even as low as 200 ft. Over a year later, the Aviation Safety Council has released its official report on the crash. What we know about the disappearance of AirAsia flight QZ8501, which crashed into the Java Sea off Borneo on 28 December 2014.

The pitch angle of the aircraft had also started to decrease from 0.4 nose up to 9 nose down, and subsequently changed to 5.4 nose down. Dead bodies littered the street of Xixi Village.Most of the survivors who crawled out of the wreckage of the aircraft sought refuge in nearby houses.

The pilots stated that Captain Lee was quite confident of his flying skills.

The crew continued the approach below the minimum descent altitude (MDA) when they were not visual with the runway environment contrary to standard operating procedures.

Pilot error, fatigue and failure to follow safety guidelines were behind the crash of TransAsia flight 222 on 24 July 2014, a report by Taiwan's Aviation Safety Council (ASC) says. It did not even conduct a safety risk assessment on the matter.There have been many plane crashes involving pilot fatigue, one of the most famous occurring in the United States in 2009 when The crew were local short-haul regional pilots. These rainbands could cause significant changes in wind directions and rain intensity.

The flight was uneventful until final approach.

The crew then tried to locate the runway, unaware that they had deviated to the left while descending. This further reduced the visibility to 500 meters. In July 2014, TransAsia Airways Flight 222 crashed in Penghu, killing 48 and injuring 10.
The aircraft then impacted and destroyed several houses in the village. While there was a supervisor for the Standards and Training Section, the high flight times and instructional workload of the check and training pilots assigned to assist him was such that they had insufficient time available to perform support tasks such as reviewing Standard Operating Procedure training, audits, and operational safety risk assessments. The force of the impact severely damaged the aircraft, separating the outer right wing, vertical stabilizer, and empennage.

Interviews with some of the pilots of TransAsia Airways found that routine violations from the Standard Operating Procedure were normal.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TransAsia Airways Flight 222 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight operated by TransAsia Airways from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, to Magong, Penghu Island. Ten survived.TransAsia said it respected the findings and issued a full apology.The crash was the first of two fatal TranAsia incidents within the span of seven months.