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Marta switches positions on the bed when she gets shot. In one subsequent shot they are shown upright and full again. More than six minutes have past, but when the camera spotted on Ernie, we can see it's 3:03 AM. During the ambush in the night club, the stage performer in the comic costume is shown being machine gunned twice. The cameraman's thumb can be seen briefly. Octavio the Clown's hat falls off twice when he is shot. Bruce Lee Fight Scene - ONCE UPON A TIME IN … Sort: Relevant Newest. Casino Royale - Poker Scene 2 - Duration: 4:48. USA Today boxes visible in background of scenes on Miami Beach early in the film, just after Tony leaves the government camp. When they get Gina out of the car at Tony's place, the robe has no blood on it. However, when Tony falls down, the pool was all clean. Tony removes the same lemon from the dish twice. When Tony goes to kill Frank, Frank says, "Look Tony, please don't kill me." During the resulting conversation, the binoculars vary between pointing skyward, sitting flat on the table, or resting flat on top of another item (possibly a plate). Say it. The eponymous scar moves and often seems to disappear altogether throughout the film. But when Manny gets up and announces he's going on a date and walks to the door, it is wide open. Howard Hawks' "X Marks the Spot" motif in depicting the story line's many murders is dispensed with in the 1983 Scarface; instead, we are inundated with blood by the bucketful, especially in the now-infamous buzz saw scene. Beginning chainsaw scenes: Car with top down enters street, there is no sunlight on the street, sun is behind buildings. Before Tony shoots Mel, Mel has a snub nose revolver in a holster on his right hip. Showing all 75 items . The gun is clearly a single-shot prop gun.
To get a 16 rating in West Germany, most of the violence and profanity were toned down. Several shots when talking to the girl reveal no perspiration under his armpit. In the next scene when a girl standing in the street is flirting with Manny in his get-away convertible, the sun is shining from the east (a morning shot).
(In fact, even when he shoots Tony Montana in the back at the movie's end, The Skull is never seen actually firing this particular shotgun at all--suggesting that it's a fake.) Scarface (1983) Goofs. When Tony and Manny are at the beach, talking and having drinks, Tony has perspiration mostly under the right armpit.
The enemy soldier calls to his friends to jump over the wall near the gate. An impossibility - valet parking keys are always kept in a coded cabinet system that requires patrons to identify themselves; keys are never left in cars. The next shot is an over-head view showing the goon still holding the revolver and the machine gun is on the bed. When he drives off in the next shot it disappears. After Tony shoots Manny, Gina's robe has a large blood spot on its right side. drugs, cocaine, al pacino, scarface, tony montana # drugs # cocaine # al pacino # scarface # tony montana. In the next shot her left arm is down and her right is above the table, holding her glass.
When Tony is running out of the Babylon club having been shot there is a car next to his. In shots soon after his body has changed positions and he is now lying on his back on the bottom of the stairs. Much of the chainsaw murder and the shootout at the end of the movie was cut in Norway before its cinema release; later video versions are uncut. When Tony shoots Hector on the street, the arrangement of the background extras changes, most noticeably an old man standing on the steps. There is no hint of a muzzle flash or recoil from the shotgun when The Skull shoots Nick The Pig (who is just off-screen) in the head. With Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. The 20th anniversary DVD, released shortly after, only has a Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS track of the original mix, but the 2006 Platinum Edition DVD re-release and the Blu-ray edition included the audio remix in both DD 5.1 and DTS formats. When he is shot the second time and falls to the floor there is still no gun in the holster and the gun is nowhere to be seen. In one shot she's holding a cigarette in her left hand with her arm above the table. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. The film grossed $45 million at the domestic box office and $66 million worldwide. The man is not in the telephone booth in the close up shots of the cafe owner.