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Spotify will no longer work with third-party DJ apps starting on July 1st, 2020. We'll get back to you only if we require additional details or have more information to share.
It's really frustrating. why have the premium subscription if you cant get it thru your main soundsystemWell, Julian's reply is rather vague at best. We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Google takes abuse of its services very seriously. But why remove it in the meanwhile? Same issue here.

Why would you discontinue an app BEFORE releasing its replacement? I have Spotify installed on two LG TV's. It means that I've lost possibility to listen Spotify on my home theater system. It means that I've lost possibility to listen Spotify on my home theater system. In the past month, it now only plays music for about 30 seconds to a minute before going mute. It's really frustrating. We'll get back to you only if we require additional details or have more information to share.

Are you sure you want to continue?We have successfully used the voice commands to open Pandora and other apps like YouTube, but we have paid account with Spotify so that is the primary music app that we wish to use.We have already contacted LG support for the issue, and their reply included the following statement: Since your Google Assistant was able to open other applications through There are many "apps" on the TV such as YouTube and Netflix, and the voice assistant is supposed to be able to take commands to open those apps, e.g. with Google Assistant, that's why it does not react or prompts you to a

App Annie, an analytics platform for apps, has put out a report for Q3 of this year that crowned Spotify as the number 1 music streaming service in the world on both Android and Apple phones. Facebook. But in fairness, I think that happens due to my Wi-Fi, not the system itself. Everything Netflix related is covered, from creating an account to removing the app. Some community members might have badges that indicate their identity or level of participation in a community. ), while Tidal and SoundCloud plow forward in forging partnerships within the DJ community. An … Spotify promised to fix the problem so I've stayed a premium user. Otherwise, register and sign in. The setup: We have the LG B9 65" OLED Smart TV with Magic Remote, and the remote has a voice control button that will pull up a version of Google Assistant to take our commands.

between your LG Smart Television and your Google Assistant. The Discard post? “You’ll still be able to use Spotify in Djay until the end of June 2020.
Getting Spotify on your LG Smart TV is easy: simply download the Spotify app to your internet-connected Smart TV, and then log in or create a new account. I have a recent Google home and LG Stylo 5 Android version 9. No more formats limits, no more Premium restricts, no more Spotify crashing. Are there any plans for it to make a comeback updated or should I find a new way to listen to Spotify on my TV? Turn on suggestions. Netflix Troubleshooting - webOS. We're committed to dealing with such abuse according to the laws in your country of residence. Dark Sky, the popular weather app, is no longer available to download or use on Android and Wear OS, with the Apple-owned app now nonfunctional on Google's mobile and wearable device platforms. LG TV Spotify app is no longer functional. Download Spotify from your TV app store.