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Opting to return to their village, they met up with the rest of Kiba leaves with the rest of his division, but soon enough, Mifune sends him, along with other ninja, to backup After night falls, Kiba, along with Neji, act as lookouts for enemy attacks. When they arrived at Konoha, Kiba defeated his and Hinata's copies, but the one of Naruto was still on the run and causing a lot of trouble. The Inuzuka Clan (犬塚一族, Inuzuka Ichizoku) or Inuzuka Family (犬塚家, Inuzuka-ke) is a family of shinobi in Konohagakure known for their use of ninken as fighting companions and are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks. Worried, Kiba told him that he should visit the Kiba and Akamaru execute the Combination Transformation.The next morning, Kiba and the other shinobi resumed fighting the Later, calling out to Neji in the heat of battle, Kiba told him that Hinata was in trouble. Kiba found himself feeling jealous at Naruto's continued luck of recent. He also favours using military pills to increase his chakra and that of Akamaru's, as well as smoke bombs, which robs the enemy of their vision, and due to his enhanced smell, has no problem pinpointing them.

He even showed admiration towards Naruto, stating that he wanted to become like him. He is also capable of using Kiba fights and attacks with the ferocity of a beast, utilising his sharp claws and other attributes he gains from his Four Legs Technique.

He quickly pressures Kurenai to educate him on the mead to seem intelligent, but he doesn't really pay attention to her lessons as he tries to stop Mirai from riding Akamaru and attempts to make her get their names right for once. Kiba Inuzuka is one of the main supporting characters of the series. Those three seem to be some of the first true friends he made in the village. Later, when the Kiba telling Naruto he intends to find a doll for Tamaki.In the anime, after Kiba and Shino stopped a shoplifter from escaping, they bumped into Boruto and Sarada, who were hoping to find the Meanwhile, the grown-up Sasuke and Boruto were sent back in time to shortly after Sasuke's defection.

Not having any options, Kiba stabbed himself in the stomach, causing him and Ukon to start coughing up blood.

He then quietly asked Sakura if they should tell Naruto the truth, but Sakura stomped his foot and announced they're returning home. He then proclaimed that she takes Naruto far too lightly before finding Sasuke and Soon after being awakened, Kiba reproached how Sakura and Sai's actions enabled Sasuke to escape again. At a very young age, Akamaru was given to Kiba by his mother, Tsume, and the two became very close soon afterwards. In Part II, during his fight against A month later, at the finals, Kiba watched the match between Naruto and Neji with Hinata. In his Infinite Tsukuyomi, Kiba dreamed he was Hokage and also desired to have a national holiday for all dogs. Kiba nació en Konoha y creció sin conocer a su padre, a los 4 años su madre le dio a Akamaru y poco después su relación fue muy buena. Kiba's fighting style revolves around collaboration techniques alongside his companion Akamaru, but he can also perfectly synchronise with his teammates, as demonstrated with Naruto during their fight against Tobi. Kiba also seemed to be quite excited over Hinata and Naruto's wedding, and wanted to be the one, along with Shino and Akamaru, to bring them the best present out of all the people attending their wedding, so they could make Hinata happy. Kiba and Akamaru, along with the Allied Shinobi Forces assemble.Finally arriving on the battlefield, Kiba told Naruto to not start acting tough just because Hinata was there after he echoed Kiba, his clone and Akamaru become a gigantic three-headed beast.Kiba and Akamaru later charged at the Uchiha and the Ten-Tails where their combined effort was enough to sever Madara and Obito's connection to the beast and force them to retreat to the ground.

Kiba, Naruto and Hinata located the thief in a nearby city, in the process of attempting to steal a valuable bell. Kiba is also quite close to his sensei and her daughter. Though they are able to defeat Obito, another threat soon arose as Kiba and the rest of the Alliance was confronted by Kiba amongst the crowd, hearing the worldwide announcement concerning the Moon.Kiba makes an appearance in this film, set two years after the war. He was shown to have become frustrated with Naruto's growth and is determined to surpass him.

Avant d'intégrer l'Académie, Kiba et Akamaru jouaient beaucoup ensemble, résultant que Tsume se mettait en colère parce qu'ils n'avaient pas la formation suffisante. Immediately after, Sakura asked Kiba for help with a new job; tracking Sasuke and going after him. His hair has also gotten longer and is less unkempt.