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What can I tell you?'" Fox News Flash top entertainment and celebrity headlines are here.

They were like, 'Oh my God, I ran into her three days before that, maybe I have it from her.' © Copyright 2020 HollywoodLife, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. Check out what's clicking today in entertainment.The supermodel fell ill on the set of "America's Got Talent" in March, around the same time fears for the coronavirus pandemic began to surge around the globe.The on-air judge admitted she felt "feverish" at the time as she social distanced from her husband, Tom Kaulitz, and struggled to get her hands on a test.In a new interview, Klum looked back on the unsettling experience and explained how it all went down on set. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is now a thing of the past, but Seeing that Heidi shares four children with her ex-husband, Tom also tagged along for the getaway, and Heidi filmed her new husband relaxing by the pool for her Instagram Story on Monday. "Howie probably called me every day.

She added that she became bombarded with questions and concerns from people who had been in contact with her, as well as revealing which fellow "AGT" judge checked in on her daily. All market data delayed 20 minutes. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. He's a sweetheart. she said.The model-turned-television-personality added that her AGT team feared she may have passed it to them before she ultimately "They were all eager, like, 'Do you have it?' Heidi Klum Poses for Topless Photo as She Shows Off Her Wedding Band After Marrying Tom Kaulitz this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Then the whole hunt starts and people are scared," she says. When Heidi Klum got sick with a fever while filming "America's Got Talent" season 15, production sent her home out of fear that she might have coronavirus. Heidi Klum is having a wonderful time on her honeymoon.. Fresh off her two weddings with new husband Tom Kaulitz, the supermodel has been soaking up … I was experiencing fever and sore throat, so I told production and immediately the medic did my vitals and said, 'Yes, you have a fever,' and then I was dismissed," Klum told "It felt strange to leave, but that was the right thing to do," she added. "I told them how I was feeling. All market data delayed 20 minutes. All rights reserved. They looked at me, checked me out and said, 'Yeah, go home.' This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, He was like, 'How are you feeling today?' "I couldn't tell anyone because I didn't know. Obviously people want to know because they were worried. or redistributed. 7.5m Followers, 402 Following, 4,534 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Heidi Klum (@heidiklum)

I was like, 'I still have a fever, Howie. "While her negative result likely brought relief, the blonde bombshell is still taking her health seriously by This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is now a thing of the past, but Heidi Klum, 46, shared a photo that reminded us of the days she walked its runway. „Victoria's Secret“-Engel Heidi Klum Heidi legt die Flügel ab.

Heidi Klum is opening up in greater detail about her coronavirus scare. '"Klum said it took a "really long time" to get tested because, to her surprise, there were no tests available. Nach 13 Jahren auf dem „Victoria’s Secret“-Catwalk verlässt das deutsche Supermodel ihre „Angel“-Kolleginnen und wird auch bei der geplanten Dessous-Show im November nicht mehr mitlaufen. The couple was just seen at the American Music Awards on Nov. 24, where Heidi looked flirty in Earlier this year, Heidi was filming her new Amazon Prime Video fashion competition series

They were like, 'Okay, get tested as fast as you can. TEILEN; Die Überraschung des Tages: Heidi Klum packt ihre Engelsflügel ein. Heidi Klum (German pronunciation: [ˈhaɪ̯diː ˈklʊm]; born 1 June 1973) is a German-born American model, television personality, businesswoman, fashion designer, singer, television producer, author, and actress.She appeared on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1998 and was the first German model to become a Victoria's Secret Angel. Selbst nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes Henry 2005 legte das Topmodel ihre Flügel für gerade einmal acht Wochen nieder.

©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. Then I was asked to get tested ASAP so that I could go back to work because we didn't know that this was all unfolding the way it did. All rights reserved. They were with me the day before or the day before that.

"When I fell ill, it was on March 10. Click to Subscribe to Our HollywoodLife Daily Newsletter