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All the other permanent judges have always been male. Germany's Next Topmodel, Cycle 9 is the ninth season of the show that is aired on the German television network ProSieben. Ivana is deemed best at the photo shoot. In May 2015, psychiatrist Manfred Lütz said according to a study "GNTM" promoted anorexia. All the other permanent judges have always been male. 15 18.3K. While the American version's usually started with thirty-something semi-finalists who are cut down to a batch of between ten and sixteen contestants, The call-out order does play a major role in determining who this week's best contestant was – quite in contrast to The final five or six contestants travel to an international destination on the American show while Germany's version is noncommittal about the number of journeys abroad; cycle 1 went abroad two times, cycle 2 did so four times and cycle 3 went to six different countries. With the focus of the week being interaction with male models, the girls head off to select male models for their shoot where Ivana flirts with one of the male models despite having a boyfriend. Makeovers are administered to contestants early in the competition (usually after the first or second elimination in the finals). With this week's focus on the body, the girls head to their casting for Shape Magazine, where Stefanie, Betty, Simona, Samantha, Sainabou and Antonia impress the client. Later, a photo-shoot at In Episode 3 the girls receive their makeovers. - Épisode 6 du 13 mars 2014 Dans l'édition "Transformation" du 13 mars 2014, les filles de Heidi ont été autorisées à prouver à quel point elles sont changeantes. In contrast to them Ivana's and Jolina's walks are deemed perfect. Later at the photo shoot, the girls will be flying high as this photo-shoot challenges them to overcome heights. At the casting for In the final Jolina is deemed to be the best in the photo shoot and Ivana wins the challenge to design an outfit herself and to present it on the runway. In the end Antonia is the one to be booked. Ivana is eliminated first despite being this cycle's catwalk queen, being this cycle's most consistent candidate and winning the design challenge where Wolfgang Joop states Ivana's outfit and walk were definitely the best. However, ONEeins Management listed the entire top 25 as cast members of the cycle. Alle Bilder, Videos und Infos zur ersten Folge von Germany's next Topmodel 2014 am 06. At the casting for The girls have a press training where Betty earns herself immunity because of her excellent performance. Wolfgang also asserts that Ivana was his favorite but Heidi and Thomas voted for the other girls. Due to the pregnancy of Heidi Klum, the start of the fifth season was postponed and kicked off in March. In the casting for In the beginning Wolfgang Joop books Ivana and Samantha for his Wunderkind show at This week's first photo shoot takes place at an old train station where the girls have to cry as if they would move away. 1,758 talking about this. The client was offered to book Sara Nuru instead of Höller.In May 2015, psychiatrist Manfred Lütz said according to a study "GNTM" promoted anorexia.Also in May 2017 the German radio and television broadcaster Also in Cycle 14 in 2019 after Vanessa Stanat quit, ProSieben took over her official Contestant Lijana Kaggwa received death threats after participating in the It was never announced which contestants were part of the final cast. In the second photo shoot the girls are body painted and have to pose with spiders. Ivana, Jolina and Samantha impress the judges the most with their sedcard, however five girls are able to earn their immunity for their performances at the other photo shoot: Ivana, Nancy, Nathalie, Sainabou and Antonia. Franziska ist Germany's next Topmodel Kandidatin in Staffel 9.