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23-mei-2014 - Photograph Burano by Liza Medvedeva on 500px. Schließen Besuchen.. Artikel von Thus, you cannot really replace a telephoto lens with a wide angle lens since each of them is meant for completely different things. 500px ISO is home to the best photo stories on the web. In one of my previous posts, I gave you the reasons why you should buy a I am sure you are inspired after going through these photographs! Most of us own a camera with a small sensor called apps-c, micro four thirds, 1 inch or even smaller. We feature the unique, crazy, and beautiful stories behind the photos you see on 500px. There is a “crop factor” to consider in these cases so that the apparent focal length stays the same. Today, we have a collection of 50 great photos from around the internet that were made with the renowned 50mm lens. I love photography, writing, travelling, and reading. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Apple TV.English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, UkrainianUp to six family members will be able to use this app with Family Sharing enabled. Over 15M creatives from 195 countries come to 500px to discover and share incredible photos and gain global exposure.Suggested Tags doesn’t work for me, it always gives the same three!

Special Features • 5 years ago . Access Stats, Priority Directory listing and more! I tend to agree. I sold my 50 after shooting with the 40.

About 500px ISO . You'll meet inspirational photographers, and discover how they capture the images that blow your mind every day. Bokeh is a Japanese word that means he visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image.

500px ISO is home to the best photo stories on the web. I am in the process of buying my first DSLR and am researching lenses so your website is a Godsend. Sirui has taken […] The nifty fifty is a staple of photography and has been for decades. 50mm von Tamerlan Kagermanov auf 500px - Today Pin. We are an online community of photographers. 500px ISO is home to the best photo stories on the web. Be it a head shot or a head & shoulders shot, this focal length gives great rendition of faces. A smaller sensor give less blur.A great article and well explained.I shoot with a Nikon DX 1:8 35mm lens, and it will need to be ripped from my cold dying hands before I give it up. This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.500px is the premier community and social network for aspiring and practicing photographers. 34 year old photographer from Weinheim, Germany Jeffrey Groneberg Software Monkey Nerd Gamer My goal is to make the common things look uncommon. Visit our 'About Us' page to know more about us. If you are starting out in street, travel or documentary photography , you should seriously consider getting one. We feature the unique, crazy, and beautiful stories behind the photos you see on 500px. There is no way I could live without a 50mm lens. You'll meet inspirational photographers, and discover how they capture the images that blow your mind every day. I have read your pieces on 50mm / reverse macro / sample images and I have two questions:b) Does it matter? I used to not understand the 50mm prime. Read: Top 8 reasons why you should buy a 50mm lens . Außerdem kannst du dir unsere Ressourcen zur Bewältigung dieser außergewöhnlichen Zeit ansehen.

Thanks in advance for being patient with my beginner questions.Although the 50mm in an under appreciated lens, I really prefer the 40mm focal length on full frame. Great sharpness, color & contrast with a Leica look to it. That makes it all the more difficult to raise your camera and take a photo. It is noticeable especially in the highlights (the bright areas) of a photo. I have a plan to sell it and buy a wide angle lens… is 55-300mm a jewel in a crown?Hi, Dinesh. The harsh sun and deep shadow was hard to work with this day since I’m now forcing myself to use full manual mode. I love my 50mm though and eventually I’d like to get a 35 to see what I like more.Stunning photos which show off the versatility of such a great lens. When I talk about the 50mm lens, I am talking about a focal length on a 24×36 film camera or on a “full frame” digital camera. Aber oft ist das Bauchgefühl bei solchen Entscheidungen gar nicht so schlecht. 50mm-Photography.

It is also the cheapest prime lens.The first difficulty when starting street photography is getting close enough. We would like to connect all the communities to share the knowledge and experience of photography. I would suggest you to use the tele photo lens for some time, and if you find that you are not really into taking wildlife/bird, candid photography, then you can sell. They offer sharpness that zoom lenses cannot touch.

The Voigtlander 40/F2 Aspherical is a fast enough lens. If you wish to contact me, send a mail using our contact form. So I have collected 40 beautiful photographs that are taken from 50mm lens. There are several photography communities around the world. When you are close, people will see you. I am sure that these photos will blow your mind away, and you will be tempted to buy one. From tutorials to collections and beyond, 500px ISO is your go-to source for everything photography. Photographs taken with 50mm lens Photo Credits: Gunnar Gestur Geirmundsson/500px.