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Some movie and photo editing tasks (among other uses), especially in 4K+ resolutions, can benefit from a RAM disk, which takes some of the ultra-fast volatile RAM capacity and turns it into a drive. VRAM usage was also quite high at around 8.3GB.Strange Brigade is a well optimised title that runs very well on a wide range of hardware. We saw this in last year's test. The hit to frame time performance, in particular the 0.1% lows, was extreme for all three configurations.Naturally this was also seen at 1440p and here the 3GB GTX 1060 tanked with frequent and noticeable stuttering.

At almost 10GB of system memory you’re starting to get a bit far beyond what 8GB of system memory will let you get away with.Hitman 2 pushed total system memory allocation over 10GB for the entirety of our test and peaked at around 10.3GB. A few years back, PC users were able to get away with 8GB for typical use, including gaming. None of the games I tested used close to 16GB, let alone 32. Those who are rendering large files or doing other memory intensive work, should consider going with 32GB or more. The graphics card you use can influence how much memory you’ll need for smooth gameplay, and in worst case scenarios the speed of your storage can also impact performance.But there are still more factors to consider. If you’re spending over $1000 on a graphics card, are you honestly going to think twice about spending $400 of DDR4 memory? We like to briefly discuss some of things for better understanding of our methodology and the challenges faced when testing system memory. Over the years, the need for more RAM in general has of course increased. But outside of those kinds of use cases, most of us can get by just fine with 16GB.Stepping up to 32GB yields quite a bit of freedom as far as leaving applications (and / or lots of browser tabs) open without a care in the world. It’s not foolproof but it gives us a pretty good idea of how much system memory a game requires to avoid any slowdowns.With that explanation out of our way, we're first going to show you memory allocation in a few popular titles. So it’s best to research the requirements for the particular applications and workloads you intend on using.When it comes to game testing, properly measuring the impact of RAM capacity is no easy task as there are many factors at play. About this time each year we set on a memory capacity quest and As the title suggests the emphasis is on gaming.

For example, if you use a GTX 1060 3GB and are happy turning textures down to a medium quality setting, then that will reduce how much data is offloaded to the system memory.Rendering 4K video on Premiere eats RAM, no doubt. Unless you’re refurbishing an old computer for the kids or you’re buying a Chromebook, 8GB is the bare minimum for most people. With those kinds of prices, you may be thinking about buying more RAM for your PC. 8GB or 16GB or 32GB? We’re not seeing much outside of the margin of error here.As seen previously with high-end GPUs, Shadow of the Tomb Raider runs into issues when using only 8GB of RAM and we’re seeing that here with all mid-range graphics cards we tested.

You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. RAM for gaming – 32 GB: If you’re trying to “future proof” your new gaming system, having 32 GB of RAM might be a good idea. At least based on the small amount of testing we’ve done, RAM allocation held steady at 12GB, while VRAM usage was high at ~10.5GB making this the most memory demanding title tested yet.F1 2018 is a title that you’ll get away using 8GB of memory as we saw system memory usage peak at 8.5 GB. Here RAM usage got up to around 33% hitting 10.8GB and basically never dropped below 10.4GB. But if you want to get amongst it in Battlefield V or enjoy the breathtaking visuals of Shadow of the Tomb Raider without the constant reminder that your system isn’t quite up to par, then we recommend at least 16GB.For mid-range to lower-end rigs where minor stuttering can be caused by insufficient VRAM, slow storage, or not having enough CPU cores, being on the edge of the optimal memory capacity probably isn’t going to make much difference. Probably not.For most of you, 16GB is going to be the sweet spot and this is what we recommend. 7.5GB of RAM was allocated though at the 4K resolution VRAM usage did hit 6.5GB, certainly nothing extreme there.Last in line we have Vermintide 2 which consumed about 9GB of RAM, while VRAM usage was relatively low at 5.5 GB.